Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Dora vs a crow

I recently caught Dora the hawk on a break from her nest.  She was perched atop a 20-story building, stretching out and keeping an eye on her territory.

Dora on a nest break

Suddenly, a crow appeared.

Dora the hawk vs a crow

It took aim at her and made several swoops just over her head.

Dora the hawk vs a crow

Dora the hawk vs a crow

They exchanged angry words.

Dora the hawk vs a crow

Dora the hawk vs a crow

Despite the harassment that went on for a couple of minutes, Dora didn't fight back.  Eventually, the crow went away, Dora went on with her preening, and then flew off on her own terms.

Dora the hawk vs a crow

Later that day, I just caught a glimpse of her back at the nest, ever vigilant.

Dora barely visible in nest

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