Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Super swoopers

Over the last few days, the Tompkins Square hawk fledglings have mastered the art of swooping.  If you're in the park, try standing in one place for five minutes and at least one of them will probably fly by.

Last Sunday, they had my head spinning as they swooped from one end of the park to the other, then back again, over and over.  And they're fast! 

It begins with a leap...

Tompkins Square fledgling

A low buzz over the shrubbery...

Tompkins Square fledgling

Zooming across the open spaces...

Tompkins Square fledgling

Zipping expertly through the trees...

Tompkins Square fledgling

Pull up at the last second...

Tompkins Square fledgling

A brief pause...

Tompkins Square fledgling

Off again!

Tompkins Square fledgling

Tompkins Square fledgling

This one took a tour of 7th Street.

Tompkins Square fledgling


Tompkins Square fledgling

Tompkins Square fledgling

These hawk kids are clearly very tolerant of people.  It's great to see them up close and personal, but please do be careful and don't approach them.  They will come to you!

Tompkins Square fledgling

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