Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Flappity flap flap

Greetings from Avenue A!

Avenue A hawklets

Avenue A hawklets

As soon as I post a photo of a hawklet, it's immediately out of date as the birds are growing so fast.  They are now three and a half weeks old and are already practicing for their learner's permits.

Pin feathers on the wings and tail are clearly visible.

Avenue A hawklets

I took some video this evening of Dora with all three kids:

Here they are doing some flapping.  And at the 35" mark, you can see why it's a good idea to walk on the west side of Avenue A with an umbrella until the birds fledge...

In the mean time, Dora is still spending a lot of time at the nest.

Dora and baby

She seems to spend the majority of the morning and early afternoon shading the babies from the sun.  Once the shade falls on this side of the building around 3pm, she spends more time up on the cross at the Most Holy Redeemer church, or flying around.

Dora sitting pretty

Dora at Most Holy Redeemer

Christo is being a good dad and provider, catching meals in the park and delivering them to the nest.  He also brings food to Dora.  Here he is in Tompkins Square with a freshly caught starling.

Christo catches a starling 

Stay tuned...

See more hawk photos on my Flickr page.


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