Tompkins Square Hawk Archives

In the fall of 2013, a pair of adult red-tailed hawks (to become known as Christo and Dora) appeared in Tompkins Square Park. They built a nest in the spring of 2014 on an air-conditioner unit on the Christodora House on Avenue B and East 9th Street and raised three chicks to fledge.

Christo and Dora with their three chicks
Photo: Laura Goggin

The following year (2015), the hawks built a nest on another air-conditioner on the Ageloff Towers on Avenue A and East 3rd Street, where they again raised three chicks to fledge.

Three hawk nestlings at the Ageloff Towers
Photo: Laura Goggin

In 2016, the hawks built their nest in a tree within Tompkins Square Park, and they have been nesting in the park ever since.

In April 2018, Dora was taken into rehab after being injured, and continues to live at a nature center on Long Island. Amelia took over as Christo's mate that same season and continues as the resident female hawk for this location.

Dora is rescued by wildlife rehabber Bobby Horvath of WINORR.
Photo: Mark Cyr

Delve into the history of the Tompkins Square Park red-tailed hawks here. Posts are listed in chronological order, with the most recent appearing first.

TSP Hawk Archives by year:

Nest Notes:

1st egg laid1st hatch1st fledge2nd fledge3rd fledgeNotes
2024 3/8 4/15  6/2  6/2  6/6 3 successful fledges. One fledgling taken to WBF on 8/14 after being found on the ground, unable to fly.
20233/94/166/56/86/103 fledges. 3rd fledgling taken to rehab 7/27 with unidentified wing injury. Returned to TSP on 8/29. Returned to rehab on 9/19 with unidentified injury. Re-released on 11/29/23.
20223/104/176/66/76/83 fledges, one fledgling died in the park of what appears to be frounce on July 4, another died at WBF of what appears to be rodenticide poisoning July 27.
20213/134/21~6/10~6/10N/A3 hatchlings, 1 died in nest, 1 died after fledging.
20203/4~4/126/16/26/23 successful fledges.
20193/134/20N/AN/AN/A1 hatchling died on nest 5/30 and 2nd died on 6/9 at WINORR.
20184/205/257/137/17N/A2 successful fledges. Amelia's first brood.
20173/144/186/12N/AN/A1 successful fledge, foster fledgling raised by Christo.
2016~3/144/236/96/11~6/133 successful fledges.
2015~3/235/16/206/206/231st chick fledged at 50 days old, 2nd chick fledged at 50-51 days old, 3rd chick hatched on 5/3 (51 days).
2014~3/295/86/236/247/21st chick spent 46 days on nest. 2nd egg laid 4/2 and hatched 5/8 (47 days on nest), 3rd egg laid 4/3 and hatched 5/10 (53 days on nest).


  1. what happened to the dry ice project of TOmpkins Square?

    1. As far as I know, it's still in use, but I don't know the schedule for when dry ice is put into the rat burrows.
