Join us as we chronicle the lives of East Village red-tailed hawks, Christo, Amelia, and Dora, as well as other New York City wildlife.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Remembrance of things past
In this photo, my back is to the new building and I am looking at a place whose glory days have long gone. The late afternoon sun was shining right on the "B" on the wall and it just gave me the feeling of time passing...too quickly for me to stop and way beyond my control.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Mechanics Alley
Just after sunset, the city takes on a mysterious air...shadows appear where there were none and the light keeps to the street, not daring to venture down dark alleyways.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Snowman, NYC style
I think this is the most awesome snowman I have ever seen. This was taken at a hot chocolate fair on W 18th St.
Fortune Teller
What does the future hold for East Houston Street? This lady resides at Billy's Antiques on Houston and Elizabeth, a treasure trove of oddities.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Mars Bar in the Morning IX
The walls keep changing, but the man remains the same...this and the following photos are of the 'Morning Man' who sits outside Mars Bar on 2nd Ave & 1st Street. I see him on my morning walk and he is one of the few things in this city that doesn't seem to change. The graffiti is different nearly every day, the building next door was torn down and replaced by a condo block and the same is happening directly across the street. The world keeps spinning, but Morning Man holds his ground.
July 19, 2007
Mars Bar in the Morning VIII
The walls keep changing, but the man remains the same...
September 22, 2006
Mars Bar in the Morning VI
Someone broke the gate in the wee hours of the morning.
September 19, 2006
Mars Bar in the Morning IV
One of the more attractive murals...
(click on picture to see entire photo)
August 17, 2006
Mars Bar in the Morning II
Morning breeze, no traffic, the drunkards haven't arrived yet...time for catching up on the headlines.
June 22, 2006
Mars Bar in the Morning I
He's looking uncertain, but I am the amateur. This is my first photo of Morning Man and I was nervous and skittering past quickly, worried he'd shout at me, "Get off my lawn!"
May 26, 2006
Monday, July 16, 2007
My Beautiful Launderette
Ah, laundry night...such a chore, especially when you have to cart a month's worth of clothes, towels and bedding down the block on a stormy night. It's not visible in this photo, but it's raining cats and dogs.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Bird Lady of 5th Avenue
Bergdorf Goodman always has the best window displays. This dress made of feathers was absolutely amazing.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
You Catch Them, I'll Clean Them
I came across this character outside the Bowery Mission. He wanted to pose for the picture and played up his part as a down-and-outer. He's one of the last of these men who reside on the Bowery.
Gentrification is quickly erasing the color of the neighborhood. The Mission, itself a Bowery landmark, is flanked by a new modern art museum and the Sunshine Hotel, which houses men who've seen better days.
Although progress can be good and this formerly seedy neighborhood is being cleaned up, it saddens me to see the obliteration of an entire culture. I've been walking this stretch of street for only eight years now and in that time, I've seen the restaurant equipment mechanics, plumbing outfitters and furniture wholesalers replaced by doggie boutiques and luxury condos.
I guess I identify more with this man than I do the millionaires.
Monday, July 9, 2007
The Ghost of Peter Stuyvesant
They say Peter Stuyvesant still walks the streets of the city, keeping an eye on things. Could this shadowy figure spotted late one night on the Lower East Side be Old Silver Nails himself?
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Moon Over Orchard
Sometimes the city can look mythical, like a fairy tale or a movie set. I'd been following the moon across town this night, waiting for it to come out from behind the clouds. It revealed itself here and only for a few seconds...
Friday, July 6, 2007
This is one of my favorite stretches of shadow, under the Manhattan Bridge just after sunset in winter: Forsyth & Henry Streets, January 2007.
Could it be a metaphor of the building in the background? A structure of glass bricks, hard and strong, but some day, it too will melt away into the history of the city.