Welcome to Part 3 of Fall Bird Migration. I've spent so much time out with the birds, I've fallen behind posting photos. Below are some recent highlights which were seen in Brooklyn and Governors Island.
Song Sparrow:
I usually say
White-Throats are my favorite sparrow, but Swamps rank right up there. They're beautiful in the late afternoon sun.
I've said many times that Parulas are my favorite warbler. I love their colors and the way they glean tiny insects from the undersides of leaves.
And they're just cute.
Speaking of cute, Ruby-Crowned Kinglets never disappoint, which is why I post so many photos of them.
Golden-Crowned Kinglets rank pretty high on the cuteness scale. And they're fast! This was the only decent photo I could get of this one who was furiously chasing no-see-ums.
Showing us how it got its name:
More to come...