Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Old and new

The sun sets on the Keller Hotel as One World Trade rises up in the background...

Keller Hotel

See more photos here.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I spy...

The gods are watching, but idly, yawning.  --Mason Cooley
You are being watched...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Aye, Corrina!

I had the opportunity this last weekend to make a trip out to Hampton Bays and visit the Corrina, a 55' 1978 wooden-hulled trawler.  She's a working vessel and is here for the summer to catch squid.

I'm a sucker for sailors and all things nautical, so let's climb aboard!


Here we are at the wheel and what I'm assuming is the sailor's version of The Club.


This is the main cabin.  There's not much room, so everywhere becomes storage.  You can see rolled up maps - er, charts - on the upper right.  I look at this space and can't help but wonder what the rent would be if this were a Manhattan apartment.


JFK keeps guard over the Captain's desk.  The book is Patrick O'Brien - when the fish aren't biting, there's a lot of time for reading.


Here we are in the bunk room below decks.  Looks cozy, eh?


And, this is the engine.  I know nothing about engines, so can't say much about this except that it's big.


All the action takes place up on deck.  This is the net that gets tossed out the back of the boat and catches the fish.  One haul of the net can potentially bring in 5000 pounds, although there are daily limits on how much fish can be caught.


And, here is where all that fish goes - below deck into a hold.  This space will be filled with ice.


Finally, cruising the calm waters of Shinnecock Bay...


I have to give a big thank you to Captain Steve and First Mate John for allowing me into their personal space.

See more photos of the Corrina here.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Night on Beekman Street

I've been in a black and white mood...

Night on Beekman

This photo was originally inspired by Danny Lyon.

Read my previous post on him here.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Look out below

I like to think someone dropped their keys...

Dropped keys?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

David Peel and special guest performance in Tompkins Square Park

This last Saturday, David Peel and the Protesters performed at the 24th anniversary of the Tompkins Square Park police riots.  Here they are singing the always awesome "Die Yuppie Scum!"

Then, surprise guest Mickey Leigh took the stage to perform "I Won't Be Your Victim" -

Finally, a compilation of "Marijuana" and "Occupy" (with an appearance by the Yippie Pieman).  Rock on, David Peel!

Friday, August 3, 2012


I cannot be awake for nothing looks to me as it did before, Or else I am awake for the first time, and all before has been a mean sleep.  --Walt Whitman


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Night on Water Street

This photo is from the archives - the Bridge Cafe at Water and Dover Streets claims to be the oldest continuous business in the city, having opened as a grocery in 1794.  It's famously known for being a brothel in the 19th century, but is currently a restaurant and bar.

Here it is in 2006, on a rare night when the street wasn't lined with cars.

Bridge Cafe