Join us as we chronicle the lives of East Village red-tailed hawks, Christo, Amelia, and Dora, as well as other New York City wildlife.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
In honor of the Snowpocalypse...
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Rainy night on the Bowery
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Local color
Monday, February 8, 2010
I love the jumbly buildings that line the south side of Canal. They resemble a camp photo of gangly teens - varying heights, fragile, bursting with potential, gaudy and awkward. If they weren't propped up against each other, they might all fall like dominoes. Facing the sun, rise to set, they see and experience it all. The ever-present activity on Canal Street - cars, trucks, traffic cops, swarms of tourists, even bigger swarms of street vendors, hustlers, bustlers, vagabonds and tradespeople. The facades are ornate, detailed and worn, bold and fanciful like costume jewelry. Used and abused, often neglected, but still hanging on.