Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Running hot and cold

Voyeur, originally uploaded by Goggla.
Twenty degrees coupled with an arctic wind that creates a sub-zero city. Dry, sharp air pricks the face as the road salt coating the pavement crunches underfoot, ruining our best leather boots. Gotta get out of the apartment where the radiator is stifling, but we cannot turn it off for fear the heat will never come back. A walk through Chelsea, convince ourselves the sun is warm and inviting rather than harsh, empty, blinding...somewhere in our dreams, we are bathed in tropical humidity, soothed by the golden light, feeling like a goddess.

Here's lookin' at you, kid

Glance, originally uploaded by Goggla.

Brooklyn. Late. Got a job to do...no hurry. Rewards will be had.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Into the light

Into the light, originally uploaded by Goggla.
Under the Manhattan Bridge on the Brooklyn side, the arches form a dark meandering tunnel of otherworldly spookiness...

Magic hour

Magic hour, originally uploaded by Goggla.
There's something magical and mysterious about the Manhattan Bridge that attracts me to it, no matter the time of day or year. Celebrating its 100th birthday this month, it's looking lovelier than ever.

When ever I'm feeling stressed or down, I head down Henry St in Manhattan to the underbelly of the Bridge and Mechanics Alley. The shadowy arches at that end rise up majestically as you head east towards the river, creating a cavernous cathedral beneath. I feel the bridge's size down here.

This view is looking west from the Brooklyn end. Here, the arches glow green and the necklace lights seem to dangle like jewels. This is the bridge's best face, I think...tall, elegant, noble, but full of secrets.

Friday, October 2, 2009

No worries

Friday afternoon, originally uploaded by Goggla.
Friday afternoon...work is done, bills are paid, the long stretch of weekend awaits. Let's rest up first, take a little nap, refresh ourselves for a night on the town.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Time of the season

Cortlandt claustrophobia, originally uploaded by Goggla.
It's that time of year when the light sinks and turns gold in the late afternoon. Walking through the canyons of the old city feels like being in an ancient forest...critters skittering along the shadows while the sun lingers just out of reach above the rooftops.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sunday Night at Mars Bar

Mars Bar, originally uploaded by Goggla.
Sigh...the jukebox plays, there's quiet conversation, casual canoodling...Friday was a different boyfriend (what was his name?), Monday is still a million miles away.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Swingers, originally uploaded by Goggla.
My morning walk down Great Jones takes me by this window, which changes with the seasons. The little orange guy on the left is the friendliest, fluttering to the glass to say hello every time I pass.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Crashpad, originally uploaded by Goggla.
I'm fascinated by places that look like someone has just stepped out of the visual frame, but it's really been abandoned forever. Feels like something just happened, but the mystery is in the future...what's to happen next? There was life here, but not right now. Will it return or will decay set in?

Monday, March 30, 2009

End of an era

Coney Island, originally uploaded by Goggla.
This will be the winter from which the amusement park never escapes...make way for commercial flea markets where you'll be able to buy pictures of what you won't be able to enjoy.