Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Who wants a drumstick?

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Who wants a drumstick?


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Thanks, Marty, I hope you had a great holiday!

  3. Hi, Goggla. Do you happen to have an update on this Hawk? I was the one posting in Grieve that day and passed along WINORR's contact info. Thanks for looking out for this Hawk!

  4. I was seeing this hawk on a daily basis up until a few days ago. It's one of a group of four that may have been displaced by another group of hawks. There are so many around TSP right now, I'm not entirely sure who is who...but I saw another bird yesterday that we think is either a sibling or somehow related to this one, and someone told me she saw this bird and it still had something wrong with its beak. I'll be posting an overall update from the last four days. There was some drama with another hawk yesterday, so I'll be out there checking on everyone today.
