Sunday, January 12, 2025

NYC Mulchfest 2025

I love the smell of wood chippers in the morning.

It's that time of year again: Mulchfest across the city, when old Christmas trees get recycled into mulch for our parks. This year, I stayed in Tompkins Square Park, but there are numerous tree drop-off locations throughout the five boroughs.

The big orange wood chipper arrives in Tompkins Square Park.

The parks crew arrived early in the morning and wasted no time getting the chipping started.

The parks crew starts tossing old Christmas trees into the wood chipper.

We had a pretty good sized tree pile this year. Below is some video of workers tossing trees into the chipper.

I circled around the pile to get another view.

A park worker moves to grab a tree from the pile.

Video from this angle:

A small crowd began gathering to watch the spectacle and, I'm sure, to enjoy the aroma of freshly chipped evergreens.

People watch the crew toss trees into the wood chipper.

Two kids watch park workers toss Christmas trees into the wood chipper.

Bonus action video:

We can look forward to the wood chippings perfuming our park for a few weeks. The fresh mulch is in a pile next to the Krishna Tree and everyone is welcome to take some home. Get it before the dogs pee on it!

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