Thursday, October 19, 2017

Governors Island 2017 - Part 3

My time on Governors Island during the month of August was dominated by nesting Yellow-Crowned Night Herons.  I've never seen them anywhere else, so they are particularly special to me.  This year, the nest yielded four youngsters, seen below.

Yellow-crowned night heron kids

For such large birds, they were difficult to see, especially once the young started branching.  Here is some video of the nestlings:

Yellow-crowned night heron nestlings

Yellow-crowned night heron

One afternoon, one of the parents was out in the open on a nearby building.

Yellow-crowned night heron

I love the way they move, slowly creeping, as can be seen in this video:

By the end of the month, the chicks had fledged to parts unknown, but I found one young heron at a puddle on the opposite side of the island. I suspect it probably is one from the nest, but could not be certain.

Yellow-crowned night heron

Herring Gulls also nested on the island and I enjoyed seeing the adults showing the kids the ropes.  Below, a young gull snaps up a crab that was brought in by the adult on the right.

Gulls and a crab

Nearby, another gull ambitiously downed a much bigger meal.

Dinner time

Another young gull found a ginkgo leaf, which it proceeded to fly around like a little orange flag.

Gull with a ginkgo leaf

Governors Island is a good place to see Mockingbirds and listen to them practice their repertoire.

Young Mockingbird

Here is an example of a Mockingbird trying out a few songs:

Late summer is the time for insects, and insects attract predators like this Eastern Kingbird.

Eastern Kingbird

A Kingbird poses with Jersey City in the background.


More to come...


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