East Village red-tailed hawks, Christo and Amelia, have been reliably visible the last couple of weeks, often hanging out on the cross of St Nicholas of Myra church on Avenue A.
I feel like I've taken this photo a thousand times, but it never gets old seeing Christo up there in the late afternoon sun.
It's even better when the pair hang out together. Below, Amelia is on the left and Christo is up top.
On Wednesday, the two hawks were on the cross when something caught Christo's attention and he flew off.
Note the difference in body size between Christo and Amelia. He is smaller than her and is generally slender. She's a little fluffed up in the photo below, but you can still see how much broader she is across the chest.
Christo soaring to parts unknown:
After leaving the red-tails, I was greeted by an immature Cooper's hawk perched on my building when I got home. It was nearly dark and, at first glance, I thought it was a rooftop decoration.
The hawk spied a flock of pigeons and took off after them, so I headed inside for the night.
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