Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Tompkins Square Christmas spectacular

Today wasn't my best day photographically, but it's Christmas, so let's overlook the technical short-comings and focus (heh!) on the Tompkins Square hawks, who were in fine form.

As I entered the park, I heard a commotion and looked up above the Christadora to see five crows chasing a hawk.  I couldn't get them all in one frame, but here are three with the hawk, and the second crow from the left has something in its beak.  Maybe they were all fighting over the same stocking-stuffer?

Crows chasing a red-tailed hawk over the Christadora

It just wouldn't be Christmas without a family argument, and here we have an adult (bottom, right) and juvenile tussling over a fence.  I learned the hard way not to keep the camera zoomed in so close.

Hawk fight

I'm not sure who is imitating whom...

Birds of a feather...

...but the hawk would have looked awesome in a Santa hat.

Birds of a feather...

Late afternoon over the chess tables, dinner was served.

Christmas dinner in Tompkins Square

Never to be forgotten.

You are not forgotten

Until next time...

Red-tail soaring over Ave A

See more hawk photos here.

Previous hawk posts.


  1. Merry Christmas, Goggla and Happy New Year! Here's to a wonderful 2014!

  2. Thanks, Marty! I hope you're surviving the cold!
