Monday, December 30, 2013


I'll say one thing for 2013, and that is I took a lot of photos.  Here are some memories of the East Village from the past year.

Snow on St Mark's:


Madness on E 2nd St:

Can't bear it anymore

There were plenty of suspicious characters in Tompkins Square:

Tompkins Square drone

Street entertainment on 2ndAve:


I gained ten pounds thanks to this place...

Tompkins Square Bagels

...and another ten pounds at my favorite place in the neighborhood:

The Stage Restaurant

Enjoyed a harvest moon:

Hunters moon

Drank a LOT of coffee...

Porto Rico

And, enjoyed a few sunsets.

Christmas sunset

May everyone have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2014!

See more photos of the EV from 2013 on my Flickr page.

And photos of EV from previous years.


  1. A great selection! Here's to 2014! (And 10 more pounds at the Stage!)

  2. I'm halfway there already!

    And thank you for all the excellent neighborhood reporting!

  3. onemorefoldedsunsetJanuary 2, 2014 at 9:20 PM

    A great year of photographs! Happy 2014!
