Thursday, November 27, 2014

Giving thanks

I found Christo and Dora today hanging out together in Tompkins Square right above the tables where volunteers were serving Thanksgiving dinner to the homeless.

Dora and Christo spend Thanksgiving in Tompkins Square

While Christo contentedly preened, Dora took off to go grab a snack.

Dora and Christo spend Thanksgiving in Tompkins Square

I noticed something about her this year - she doesn't have any speckling on her leg feathers, or else the markings are very faint.


You can also see here her legs are a smooth solid color.


For comparison, you can clearly see brown markings on Christo's legs (this was taken last May).

Christo the hawk with a pigeon

Here he is today after catching as mouse. 


The pair stuck close together all day, flying round the park, each taking turns hunting.  At the end of the day, they took a long break atop St Nicholas of Myra on Avenue A and 10th Street.  I watched them until it got dark.  Christo eventually flew off ot the west and Dora to the north, to parts unknown...

Thanksgiving with Christo and Dora

See more hawk photos on my Flickr page.

Previous hawk posts.

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