A Black-and-white warbler sizes up its next meal.

A Common Yellowthroat.

A Yellow warbler.

A Myrtle warbler.

A Northern Parula.

You know spring is here when the Tree Swallows return to nest.

A Black-throated Blue warbler.

As blue-colored birds go, there's nothing quite like an Indigo Bunting. I saw this one for about two seconds before some loud people scared him away.

An American Redstart. They always seem to lurk in the shadows.

An Ovenbird.

A male Scarlet Tanager.

The female Scarlet Tanager.

One of my all-time favorites, the Gray Catbird. You can listen to some of their "cat calls" here.

A Yellow-billed Cuckoo.

A Northern Flicker.

This particular Flicker shares an apartment house with a squirrel. The squirrel didn't seem to have a problem napping while the Flicker hammered away on the wall.

Finally, it's time to take the kids to the pool...

I've seen so many different birds lately, there's more to come!
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