Blackpoll Warbler:

These guys are pretty amazing. According to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology,
"Blackpoll Warblers are long-distance athletes and they hold the record for the longest overwater flight for a songbird. During the fall, these half-ounce warblers fly nonstop for up to 3 days, covering on average over 1,800 miles over the Atlantic Ocean to reach their wintering grounds in Puerto Rico, the Lesser Antilles, and northern South America. Such a journey requires that they eat enough before they leave to double their body mass."We are seeing them now on their way back north.

Yellow Warbler:

I love these birds as they resemble drops of sunshine.

Bay-breasted Warbler:

Magnolia Warbler:

Canada Warbler:

Summer Tanager:

This guy landed right in front of me in a blaze of red. Some other people were approaching on the path and were in danger of scaring him away, so I pointed him out to them and we were all able to just stand there and enjoy his presence for a few minutes.

Great Crested Flycatcher with prey:

And a Warbling Vireo with prey. I've learned to look forward to insect hatches as it means all the insect-eaters will be out in force.

Wood Thrush:

You can see more recent bird photos on my Flickr page.
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