Monday, December 20, 2021

Checking in with Christo and Amelia in Tompkins Square

Checking in with Tompkins Square Red-Tailed hawks, Christo and Amelia, we find them doing well.

Christo struck a pose at dusk the other day as he hunted for dinner in the park.

We've been observing him for eight years now and have to wonder if he recognizes us. It's nice to think so.

It's too early for the hawks to be nest-building, but in the meantime, a Mourning Dove checks out the vacant real estate. The hawk nest has held up surprisingly well over the last several months and it will be interesting to see if the hawks choose to use this site again.

We've been seeing the pair atop the Christodora a lot recently. Below, Amelia is on the left and Christo is on the right.


She takes off and we lose track of her for a while.

Christo stares us down from the cross of St Nicholas of Myra church on Avenue A. He's fluffed up and looking kind of chunky in the cold.

Something catches his attention and he takes off and disappears over 10th Street.

Amelia reappears atop her corner of the Christodora roof.

Then Christo turns up again as well.

Christo takes off:

He lands on a contraption on the south side of the building.

While Christo was on the building, Amelia caught herself a pigeon for dinner. By this time, it was almost dark.

After eating most of the pigeon, she flew it to another tree where Christo joined her and ate the leftovers. She then flew to a spot where she posed in front of the moon.

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