Wednesday, July 31, 2024

More close encounters with hawks

Following the previous post where one of the Tompkins Square hawk fledglings didn't seem to mind being close to people, here is another example.

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling perched on a bench.

This hawk had been playing in a fenced-in area as observers watched from behind the fences and benches. Suddenly, the hawk decided to perch on the back of a bench, just a couple of feet away from the closest observers.

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling perched on a bench.

Not sure what to do, the people who were standing there remained in place. I was actually much further away, and took all of these photos with a 400mm zoom lens, and the photos are cropped.

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling perched on a bench.

After a couple of minutes, the hawk took off.

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling takes off from a bench.

To the sprinkler!

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling cooling off in a sprinkler.

This was a really hot day and one of the fledglings took advantage of the playground sprinkler along Avenue A. It hopped around, playing with sticks and leaves.

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling plays with a stick in a sprinkler.

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling cooling off in a sprinkler.

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling hunting in the shrubs.

Later, the hawk did a little gardening.

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling playing with a plant.

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling hunting in the shrubs.

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling.

This photo was taken the morning after part of the elm tree by the chess tables came down in a storm.

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling eyeing a squirrel.

Squirrels ran around within the broken limbs, and this fledgling couldn't quite work out how to catch any of them.
Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling playing in a broken elm tree.

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling.

Two of the three fledglings briefly teamed up to strategize catching those squirrels...

Double trouble.

One of the hawks eventually took off, but the other remained and played around on the fence.

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling on a fence.

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling takes off from a fence.

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling.

I thought the hawk was going to fly past me...

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling coming close.

...but it just got closer! My camera lost focus after this shot as the hawk landed on the bench and I had to back away.

Tompkins Square red-tailed hawk fledgling coming closer.

These young hawks have been such a joy this season. They've been full of energy despite the oppressive heat and humidity, and have brought a lot of happiness to a lot of people.

Moe to come...

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