Sunday, March 15, 2015

More of the Cooper's hawk in the Marble Cemetery

Late Friday afternoon, I passed by the Marble Cemetery on 2nd Street and, like clockwork, found what I believe is the same Cooper's hawk I've been seeing there the last few weeks.

Cooper's hawk in the Marble Cemetery

Cooper's hawk in the Marble Cemetery

Despite having a full crop, the hawk chased after a squirrel that was nearly the same size as the bird.

Cooper's hawk chases a squirrel in the Marble Cemetery

The hawk had no chance with this squirrel, but that didn't stop it from engaging it in a staring contest.

Cooper's hawk and squirrel in the Marble Cemetery

Cooper's hawk and squirrel in the Marble Cemetery 

Eventually, the squirrel backed down and left the hawk to roost in peace.

See more Cooper's hawk photos on my Flickr page.


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