It's been about a month since Christo and Dora began their ginkgo nest project. After a flurry of activity for a couple of weeks, I haven't seen them working on the nest recently. That said, they've been staying very close to it and keeping an eye on it. It appears to be a very strong structure as I've watched it blow around in the wind and it doesn't budge. This is good news as I hope they plan to use it come spring.
Here are some shots of the nest as it's progressed and the leaves of the ginkgo slowly turn color. Soon, after the leaves fall, the nest will be much easier to see.
October 10:
October 12, the leaves have been moved around:
October 17, many more leaves and the addition of a large stick on the right. Christo is barely visible in the nest:
October 18, Christo does some housekeeping:
November 9, the big stick is still there and the entire structure is pretty large:
November 14, the leaves in the nest and on the tree are starting to turn color:
A little closer, we can really see there are many sticks poking out from the bottom.
November 15, as seen from the east side of Avenue B:
I'm really impressed that the hawks put this together so quickly and without a base structure, like an air-conditioner. This nest is, in my opinion, in a good location and it will be interesting to see how it fares the winter.
Late October hawk update
Project Ginkgo
Intriguing hawk news
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