This is Flatbush (note the leg band). He still has a lot of white feathers around his eyes.

This is Ten. Her face and head have become more brown.

Late Saturday afternoon, Christo dropped some food off to Flatbush, who was perched in the tree over the bandshell area. Ten decided she wouldn't wait for delivery and swooped in on Flatbush. In the photo below, Flatbush mantles his food to defend against the interloper.

You can also see a slight difference in the color of their tails. Ten's is a lighter brown.

Flatbush successfully defended his dinner.

We saw this behavior a year ago, when one fledgling from the 2016 nest tried to steal a mouse from its sibling.

Hawks are opportunistic, and will snatch a meal from someone else if the occasion presents itself. Ten demonstrated the boldness she will need to successfully attain food, and Flatbush exhibited the defensive skills he will need to thwart thieves.

Here is some video of the aftermath as Ten whines to be fed and Flatbush eats his meal while mantling.
More to come...
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