Monday, July 31, 2023

Tompkins Square red-tail fledgling doing well in rehab

Following up on last week's post about Tompkins Square hawk Fledgling #3 being taken to rehab, we hear that the hawk is doing well. X-rays showed no broken bones, but the hawk has a soft tissue injury, so it may have had a collision of some kind. It's currently being rehabbed by WINORR, and I'll update as soon as I know more information about its condition.

Below are some photos from last Thursday evening, when the hawk was captured by NYC Urban Park Ranger Sargeant Rob Mastrianni.

Netting the hawk as it perched on a fence:

Rob accomplished this in seconds and the hawk did not put up a fight. It was an extremely hot day and the hawk was likely hot and tired.

Rob performed a preliminary examination and could tell the hawk had a full crop of food and had something wrong with its left wing.

This video clip shows the moment just after the hawk was netted, and the gathering crowd applauded Rob.

Other than being unable to fly, the hawk appeared alert and responsive. As soon as Rob had it in his arms, the fledgling relaxed.

Sargeant Dan, who captured one of our fledglings last year, was also in attendance.

This video shows some close-ups of the hawk.

Bobby Horvath of WINORR arrived and quickly examined the hawk.

It was determined to take the hawk back to WINORR where tests and treatment could be administered. 
We thank Rob, Dan and Bobby for their quick response and care given to this hawk. They have done so much for caring for our city raptors and countless hawks are alive today because of their efforts.

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