Thursday, February 25, 2016

Home decorating

In between love sessions, Christo and Dora have been tirelessly working on their nest in Tompkins Square. 

Below, you can see the layers of the nest.  The hawks have now built up a bowl of sticks on top of the base of leaves.  Christo has been peeling bark from trees for the inner lining.

Christo at the nest
Christo proudly exhibits his work.

Below, Dora expertly snips a stick from a branch.

Dora cuts a stick

Dora cuts a stick

Dora cuts a stick

Dora cuts a stick 

Meanwhile, Christo collects a branch from the redwood tree next to the men's restroom.

Christo collects a redwood branch

Christo collects a redwood branch

Christo collects a redwood branch

I have to wonder if he chose this branch of seeds for a reason.  I don't know anything about redwood seed properties (do they smell good or deter insects?), so am open to any theories.

Christo collects a redwood branch

Christo collects a redwood branch

Christo collects a redwood branch

Christo collects a redwood branch

Maybe he's making a bead curtain...

See more photos here.

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