Sunday, February 9, 2014

Weekend hawklights

Looking at hawks a bit differently this weekend...

Here is an adult atop St Nicholas of Myra on Avenue A, along with a stalker seagull.

Red tail and friend

Sitting pretty in the tall sycamore...

Adult red tail in Tompkins Square

Diving towards Avenue A...

Adult red tail in Tompkins Square

Up, up and away...

Adult red tail in Tompkins Square

Going, going...

Adult red tail in Tompkins Square

Meanwhile, this lovely juvenile sat very low over Avenue A to the delight of all who passed by.  I love his/her bright eyes.

Juvenile red tail in Tompkins Square

And, off we go...

Juvenile red tail in Tompkins Square

See more hawk photos here.

Previous hawk posts.


  1. Going south for the winter? Oh, wait… Love the shot atop St Nicholas!

  2. I still don't understand how they can love this cold weather while in bare feet.

    My fantasy is to catch a hawk (or several) on the playground equipment. I know they use that Ave A slide when we're not looking....
